Employability and Employment
For some students, after Sixth Form, an extra year of study and work experience can be a crucial part of their journey, transitioning into the world of work or onto further education. Our 13+ Transition Year is designed to teach Employability Skills alongside Skills training that will fully prepare our young adults for their next step.
The Employability and Employment course will provide Year 13+ students with a transition year which has a focus wholly on preparation for work. Students will be able to build independence and develop transferable skills that will support them into work, or enhance their skills to support them through university.
The course provides a Level 2 Qualification in Employability alongside practical work experience and skills for living and working independently.
Students will also benefit from the other advantages of being at NCW;
- Access to the Fit4Purpose multigym,
- Group physical exercise sessions
- Evening and weekend activities programme
- Organised trips and visits
- Swimming pool
- Pastoral and wellbeing support
The course comprises three elements:

Employability Qualification
The academic part of the course sees students learning in the classroom, key skills needed for the world of work. Examples of the modules covered may include: Job Search Skills, Job Application Skills, Interview Skills, Managing Your Time, Presenting Yourself, Understanding Work Principles, Business and Customer Awareness and Working in a Team.

Skills for Independence Package
This academic study is supported with a bespoke skills package tailored to the student and their requirements in preparation for living and working independently. Activities for Daily Living focuses on advocacy in the workplace, accessing relevant financial support, skills in self-care and self-catering for a working adult. Mobility officers will work with students specifically to develop skills and practise getting to their work experience placement independently. Access technology sessions focus on skills needed for work.

Work Placement
The third part of the course is having hands-on practical work experience. Placements are provided for students according to their aspirations, skills and interests. This may be at one or more local businesses, organisations or settings able to offer students meaningful and appropriate placements.

This one year option offers a great transition for students getting ready for their next step.
Where students wish to combine elements of this course with other modules, courses or re-takes we will always endeavour to meet their need, if it is viable and in the best interests of the student.
For more information about the course, to book a visit to NCW or to ask any questions please email, in the first instance, [email protected].