Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.


We are always very grateful for the support of our amazing team of volunteers, whose generosity of time and spirit means we can offer an even better experience for our students who are blind or vision impaired.

We welcome applications from anyone with a few hours to spare – you could be retired and looking for rewarding ways to spend the day or maybe a student looking for work experience with young people. 

There is a range of ways to get involved such as:


We encourage our students to take part in as many clubs and activities as possible and often we need a volunteer driver to commit to a particular time to help support this. We have a fleet of pool cars available for this purpose.

In the classroom

Occasionally we have a particular requirement for assistance in the classroom. We have recently been very lucky to have volunteers working with students in Welsh Conversation and Russian classes! You could also get involved with supporting homework, coursework and reading.

In our Youth Club

The NCW Youth Club is a wonderful facility for the students to use in the evenings and at weekends. Equipped with an air hockey game, pool table, ball pit, open mic area and the much loved ‘Snack Shack’ helping out in the Youth Club is a great way for those hoping to work with young people to gain some valuable experience.

Collection tins

Our fundraising department has a large number of collection tins spread all over the County in shops, cafes and pubs. It can be a time consuming job to collect the full ones and replace with an empty but this is a perfect volunteer role for someone who can help us build a friendly relationship with the business owners and keep the money rolling in!

Find out more!

To find out more about being a volunteer you can contact Gemma Male on [email protected] or call 01905763933

Apply to become a volunteer.

Please note that we practise a Safer Recruitment process so all applicants will be subject to an interview and DBS checks.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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