The Business Studies department aims to encourage students to engage with business activity around them in the outside world, including how people in business are motivated by profit and other objectives, and to potentially think about how this may lead to a future job or workplace.
The challenges in meeting the needs of students with a vision impairment include:
- The visual nature of some topics, including the graphs, tables and pictures used on exam papers.
- Accessing the necessary large amounts of text when carrying out research
- Understanding topics such as marketing, which carry a huge amount of visual information and accounts which need to be presented in a tabular form.
- Lack of the incidental learning which is acquired through sight
Examples of adaptations for vision impaired students
- Structured work on developing research skills, including using links and accessing news articles.
- Keeping up to date on daily news by asking Alexa.
- Through the use of resource banks of large print, Braille and electronic materials.
- Using key word cards and other games in large print with braille overlays to encourage group work.
- “Jigsaw” style games to encourage students to learn the structure of key documents e.g., Statements of Financial position (Balance sheet) and Income Statements (Profit and Loss accounts).
- Being encouraged to notice marketing when out and about e.g., when shopping.
AQA Business Studies
Pearson (formerly Edexcel) Syllabus A Economics
AQA Business Studies
Pearson BTEC Level 2 Business Admin
Head of Department:
Head of the Humanities faculty. Further information about Business and Economics courses can also be obtained from Mrs Louise Rosoman or Mr Stuart Snowden