Welcome to Sixth Form
We believe there is no better place for a young adult who is vision impaired to study post 16 years than at NCW.
On the academic side every single lesson is taught by a qualified teacher of the vision impaired (QTVI) or is in the process of training to be. All of our teachers are subject specialists, teaching at an extremely high level. Subjects include those that can be challenging to access at A Level; Maths, Science and Music. Our teachers are specialists in education for vision impaired learners and experts in Braille, including specialist codes for Science, Maths and Music. Our aspirations for students are high and we fully expect our students to go onto higher education, careers and personal success.
Our teachers work towards eleven specific learner outcomes as part of the Curriculum Framework for Young People with Vision Impairment (CFVI) for each student:
- Facilitating an Inclusive World
- Sensory Development
- Communication
- Literacy
- Habilitation: Orientation and Mobility
- Habilitation: Independent Living Skills
- Accessing information
- Technology
- Health: Social, Emotional, Mental and Physical Wellbeing
- Social, Sports and Leisure
- Preparing for Adulthood.
Teachers and Residential staff work together and our holistic approach to education ensures that students are prepared for transition onto the next stage of their lives and every skill that is learnt during the day is practised and embedded in the residential side of College. Residential staff at NCW are passionate about the success of our young people and work tirelessly to develop their independent living skills and ensure their happiness during their time here.
Friendships that last for a lifetime are founded here and our young adults develop their independence within ever-expanding boundaries – gradually spreading their wings until they are ready to fly.
Life in the Sixth Form - Vinchel Lodge
Supported Transition to Independence
While we are here to help when we are needed, developing independence means students making their own decisions. They will start to do more for themselves, including budgeting, shopping, cooking, washing, even the dreaded ironing! Experienced, knowledgeable and qualified staff are on hand to provide support, advise and encourage while students develop these skills.
Options for Support
Residential tutors support our students in the Vinchel Lodge which is organised to ease the transition to university and further education. The Lodge is set up very much like university accommodation, and students live quite independently, with support on hand if needed.
Fun with Friends
Sixth Form life is relaxed and fun. As independence grows, a new world of exciting activities opens up. The atmosphere is full of confidence and achievement. Living in a large group means making new friends, as well as always having someone to socialise with. In sixth form accommodation there is a three bay kitchen where students can cook meals, a communal dining area to enjoys meals with friends, a large Common Room and a Games Room with a pool table and piano as well as shared living areas. For those who are able, sixth form students are offered much greater freedom and independent mobility – whilst safeguarding is still of the utmost priority.
Skills/Social & Emotional programme
At NCW, we place great importance on developing students’ wider skills. They will have a personalised skills programme covering ICT/ Assistive Technology, Mobility, Independent Living Skills, Careers Advice and Guidance, Fitness/PE and Study Skills. They will be in a form group where, under the guidance of the form tutor, they will benefit from regular academic mentoring and study skills support and follow a programme of PSCHE (Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education)
Opportunities for Leadership
Because NCW sixth formers are part of the wider College environment, there are many opportunities to develop leadership skills and become role models for members of the lower school. Each year two Head Students are elected, together with a Student Team, who get involved in decision making and fundraising. These older students set a fabulous example to the lower school, whilst gaining valuable experience as leaders.