Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

Keeping Students Safe

Meet the Safeguarding Team

NCW has a Safeguarding team which can be contacted for advice in the event of concerns about a student.

This team have the responsibility to receive any concerns from staff, students, parents and other professionals and ensure the appropriate response and action is taken to address any issues.

The team is supported by our nominated Safeguarding Governor who is Pat Dyson.

Image of Pat smiling at the camera
Governor responsible for Safeguarding - Pat Dyson
Paul Stephens

Designated Safeguarding Lead Paul Stephens 

Photo of Claire Mogg

Deputy Safeguarding Lead – Claire Mogg

Jonathon Fogg, Head of ICT

Deputy Safeguarding Lead Jonathan Fogg

image of Keris

Deputy Safeguarding Lead – Keris Fogg


Deputy Safeguarding Lead –Pippa Denman  

Photograph of Anthony

Deputy Safeguarding Lead –Anthony Rooney

Student Safety and Wellbeing

Safeguarding students at NCW is central to our ethos. The College takes its responsibility seriously to ensure the students are safe and happy at all times.

All staff are responsible for safeguarding.  They receive regular training and are vigilant to any change in mood or behaviour. NCW works closely with parents to safeguard their child. 

There are robust arrangements in place which are reviewed and monitored regularly to keep all students safe.

Our Safeguarding Policy is underpinned by Worcestershire Children First and the Government’s Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance.

This policy can be found by clicking the button below:


There are three different levels of monitoring and quality assurance for safeguarding at NCW:

Operational group – consisting of the safeguarding team plus other key staff. Meets weekly to look at current and ongoing concerns and to implement any actions required.

Development group – consists of the safeguarding team plus other key staff. Meets every fortnight to review policy and practice and to look at wider safeguarding patterns and trends.

Governing Body oversight –our safeguarding link governor is Pat Dyson. Pat is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy in conjunction with the full Governing Body. Safeguarding matters are considered at all Governing Body sub-committee meetings which are held termly, and at all full Governing Body meetings that are held 4 times in an academic year. The Governing Body acts as an independent and critical friend to the work of the safeguarding team in all aspects of college business. We are also supported in this work by a Health and Safety link governor and an Estates link governor.

NCW also works in partnership with our Local Authority – Worcester Children First (WCF). Our service level agreement with WCF allows the safeguarding team to access regular training and support groups and WCF carry out an annual audit of safeguarding policy and practice at NCW to ensure best practice is being implemented.


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