The Sixth Form Residential Evening gives you the opportunity to find out about what life is like at NCW away from your studies.
Hear from our current sixth form students about their experience at NCW so far, how they’ve found the transition from school to sixth form, the benefits of living away from home and some of the less exciting things like household chores… the dreaded ironing!
Our NCW residential care team will also be on the call to answer any of your questions so feel free to ask away!
We’re more than happy to receive any questions in advance and can be submitted via the booking form.
Agenda for the evening
Welcome and introduction to Sixth Form Fiona Madden, Strategic Lead: Student Progress
Life at NCW Sixth Form Current NCW Sixth Form Students share their residential experience Q&A Deputy Head of Care, Residential Care team and students
We look forward to talking with you.
All registered participants will be emailed a link to the virtual evening prior to the event.