Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

CFVI Resources

As experts in educating young people who are blind or vision impaired, we have worked with our Qualified Teachers of the Vision Impaired (QTVI) to develop a page where we can share useful resources, videos, lesson plans and hints and tips for professionals and parents/carers.

We are working to the Curriculum Framework for Vision Impaired people developed in 2022. For more information about the curriculum framework go to


Navigate through the subject areas below to discover our resources.

General - teacher with student

Teaching Outcomes

The framework presents outcomes within 11 teaching areas:

  1. Facilitating an Inclusive World
  2. Sensory Development
  3. Communication
  4. Literacy
  5. Habilitation: Orientation and Mobility
  6. Habilitation: Independent Living Skills
  7. Accessing information
  8. Technology
  9. Health: Social, Emotional, Mental and Physical Wellbeing
  10. Social, Sports and Leisure
  11. Preparing for Adulthood

NCW Resources

At NCW we are always creating new resources as well as using tried and tested techniques. Click below for our mini-site which catalogues some of our resources, shared as part of our Outreach commitment to support professionals and families of young people in mainstream educational settings.

You will be able to search for resources via the subject area and the part of the curriculum that it meets.

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