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NCW Students Experience ‘The Ash Girl’ with Exclusive Touch Tour at RGS

Photo of students and staff sat in the theatre waiting for the show to start

This week, students and staff were delighted to experience an exclusive touch tour at RGS Worcester, followed by an incredible performance of The Ash Girl.

Before the show, students had the unique opportunity to explore the set, get hands-on with the scenery and props and speak with the backstage crew and Drama staff. They learned about the plot, characters and even the creative process behind the set design. A highlight was touching the giant blown-up moon, which sparked plenty of giggles!

During the performance, students benefited from expert audio description provided by Mr Hinds, Head of English at NCW. They were completely captivated and engaged throughout the show.

We are incredibly thankful to RGS Worcester for their kind invitation. Opportunities like these allow our students to immerse themselves in the arts, explore new environments, and engage with the wider Worcester community.

We are very thankful to RGS for their kind invitation. It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to experience a touch tour beforehand and to see a production at another school. The performance was incredible, and our students were captivated for the entire show! We are very grateful for this inspiring experience, which also gave our students a great chance to get off campus and engage with the wider community.
Photo of David Hinds
Mr Hinds
Head of English
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