We are honoured that each June Marylebone Cricket Club travel to Worcester and play a game of VI Cricket with our students and then play the Worcester Elizabethans. This is a time honoured tradition that has been running for decades and one that most former students remember with fondness.
This year was no different and possibly the best match yet! The weather was kind, with only a few clouds in the sky and a light breeze. Players had travelled from over the UK to be part of the event. For some, this was their first time visiting the college, for others, this was their third or fourth visit. The MCC team donned their variety of Sim Specs, the spectators took their places for what is always a fun, but hard-fought competition.
There was lots of cheering and encouragement from both sides. MCC players noticed how they had to change their use of language and be more descriptive to their fellow players in order to work well as a team.
A marvellous time was had by all – so much so that the players didn’t even know who had won!
Afterwards, both teams enjoyed a “Cricket Tea” of delicious sandwiches and cakes with cups of tea. A chance to recharge and for players to talk to our students about their life at NCW and their future plans.
Next came the speeches. We were extremely honoured to be joined by the Head of Cricket at MCC Fraser Stewart who thanked NCW for hosting the event. He talked with great passion about his belief that “cricket is a game for all” and the “spirit of cricket” which reflects playing in the right way, with respect and with enjoyment. NCW student Phoebe received a special mention for her hard work and team dedication and won “The Spirit of Cricket” cap.
In the afternoon NCW students Khadijah, Emma and Thomas played with Worcester Elizabethans against MCC. The Worcester Elizabethans won.
At end of match, Lynne Newell bid a tearful farewell to her role as Manager/Caterer/Chauffer/Scorer/Umpire of Worcester Elizabethans. Lynne with others started this VI cricket club with others 11 years ago and whilst others have moved on, Lynne has consistently supported the VI team through her many roles. As NCW has shared the results of Lynne’s efforts in joining cricket net session, training and participating in Worcester Elizabethan matches; we would like to thank her for her time, efforts and enthusiasm.
We thank MCC for visiting us each year and look forward to continuing our involvement in Worcester VI cricket through the support of the Worcester Cricket Foundation.