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Students fundraise for Worcestershire Animal Rescue Shelter

Students and twin brothers, Toby and Corey, were so blown away by the support that Worcestershire Animal Rescue Shelter gives to animals that they wanted to do their bit to help.

As part of their current studies all about animals, Toby and Corey received a visit from local Worcestershire Animal Rescue Shelter who brought along one of their rescue dogs, Shadow. 
This was a great opportunity for the boys to explore how interacting with animals can create calming atmospheres, reduce stress and improve mental wellbeing.

The rescue centre is ran by a dedicated team of staff and volunteers who help care for abandoned, unwanted and mistreated animals in need of urgent care. They give shelter and medical treatment to the animals in their care and also help rehome them.

When Toby and Corey paid a return visit to the shelter, it was apparent how much the centre relies on donations to stay open and provide the wonderful support that they do.
As part of their charity enterprise project, the boys decided to raise funds to ensure that all of the animals at the centre receive a Christmas present this year, with a target of £150.

They organised a sponsored Singathon, and ran a tombola in school, selling tickets to students and staff. 

Toby and Corey smashed their target, raising a whopping £455 which is amazing! A huge well done.

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