Our local Tesco Community Champions, Angie and Rachel, recently visited NCW for a tour and to have lunch with the students.
Year 10 student Jake, helped with the tour and talked about his experiences of shopping, and what Tesco might be able to do to make the store more accessible.
Jake suggested having braille stickers on the WC doors in store to help him identify which toilet to use when he shopped there.
Jake felt that it would really help him, his fellow pupils and customers that shop who are blind or vision impaired.
Yesterday, Jake made it happen and visited Tesco St Peters to place the braille stickers.
Thank you to Steve Winfield (Store Manager) and Rachel Bluck for being so supportive of NCW.
![image of Jake placing the sticker on the door](https://www.ncw.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/3.jpg)
![Image of the accessible toilet door sign with the braille stickers placed on it](https://www.ncw.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/4.jpg)