Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

Wimpstone Campsite Activity Day

At the weekend, the Activities Team took their first ever group of students to the Wimpstone campsite which Phil, Activities Coordinator, has been developing over the past 7 months.

Luckily, they were blessed with glorious sunshine all day!

The day involved general camp tasks, all performed by the students themselves.
The morning was filled with camp tasks; first was wood collection, followed by fire lighting, lunch preparation, and constructing the dining shelter. Once lunch was cooking, students washed up from the food prep and departed for a walk alongside the meandering River Stour.

While walking to the weir, students spotted geese, ducks and met one very friendly dog. Cutting back through the fields on their return to camp, students had a hill race up one of the banks to make sure they had built up their appetites. Unsurprisingly, the sausage casserole was eaten very quickly once they’d returned!

The afternoon was more relaxed. The washing up after lunch was done and some students enjoyed talking around the fire, and playing on the rope swing, while others chopped up the fire wood they had collected earlier. All enjoyed an afternoon snack of hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows, then went off to explore the nearby area.

The day ended with a little debrief and a walk back across the fields to the bus. There was lots of snoring on the journey home from both students and CSVs!

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