Key Stage 3 along with a handful of students from upper school have entered a blooming marvellous Sunflower challenge.
Spreading some positivity and incentive to get out in to the garden, Miss Emanuel, Head of ILS at NCW, launched the challenge to begin in May and run through until the end of the summer holidays – when hopefully the Sunflowers will be in full bloom!
Students taking part have all received their seeds in the post, and have wasted no time at all in getting green fingered to plant them. They will now be watching closely at home as they grow!
Of course there will be prizes at stake! Prizes will be awarded for the tallest sunflower, the widest diameter of the stem, and the widest diameter of the flower.
Miss Emanuel, Head of ILS, enthused: “As always, I aim high and I’m going to hope mine beats the world record holder Hans-Peter Schiffer in Germany, as verified on 28 August 2014. His tallest sunflower measured 9.17m!”
The competition will also offer different learning opportunities focused around nurture and care. Students have been asked to consider where to plant their sunflowers, what to feed them, and some have already been busily researching to find out the optimum growing conditions for the largest plant!
Good luck to all of our students taking part – we are looking forward to lots of progress updates and photographs!