Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

Science Week Antics

As part of National Science Week, students at NCW have been embracing their inner Scientists and sharing knowledge with a local mainstream school.

Tudor Grange Academy Worcester visited NCW to work with our Year 9s to complete a science practical – investigating the starch stored in a leaf. Visiting students wore simspecs which simulate a range of eye conditions, and helped give an understanding of what it is like to experience a vision impairment and how science practical’s can be adapted.

Our students were great hosts and worked really well with Tudor Grange students on the practical.

Mr Stark, Head of Science, said: “We are delighted that Tudor Grange are now returning every year during Science Week to complete this work, and to build closer ties with our students and science department.

Following the practical experiment, Year 11 students Sophia and Tobias took charge and taught our visitors Braille! They showed staff and students how to load paper in a Perkins machine, the Braille alphabet and how to write their name – all in the space of 40 minutes! They are amazing teachers.”

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