Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

Thomas and Pete take on a 24hr challenge and smash it!

Sixth Form student Thomas wanted to take on a challenge to mark the end of his time here at NCW whilst also raising money for specific exercise and therapeutic equipment to enhance the experience at NCW.

Thomas and Pete (NCW School Therapist) set themselves the challenge of doing 24 hours of non stop exercise, starting at 7:30 pm on Sunday 23rd June finishing at 7:30 pm on Monday 24th June. Needless to say, they took on the challenge with great gusto and not only completed the 24 hours in their stride but also smashed their initial fundraising target of £500 and reached almost £3000 (including gift aid)!

Throughout the 24hrs they each walked/ran 41.6 miles, did 1000 squats, 500 shoulder presses,  500 leg presses, 500 bicep curls, 500 pec curls, 2 hrs of football and 1 hour on the exercise bikes! They saw the sunset on Saturday and watched the sunrise on the Sunday morning fuelled by healthy snacks from staff/students and by visits from students cheering to raise their morale! By 7:30 pm on the Monday they had a gym full to the brim with students and staff cheering them on to the finish line!  

"Unfortunately I leave at the end of this term and I would like this event to leave a lasting legacy of my time at NCW”

On Celebration Day, the NCW Community came together to celebrate the achievements of NCW students. This of course included Thomas and Pete and their amazing fundraising efforts. Thomas presented Mrs Perks with a huge cheque and Pete spoke about the incredible experience they had shared. 

Well done both! What an incredible legacy to leave for future students!   

Should you wish to donate to the page please follow this link.

Below is a timelapse video of Thomas and Pete on tredmills smiling:

Image of Thomas on the treadmill late at night
image of Mrs Perks being presented a giant giant by Thomas
image of Pete wearing a wig and Thomas laughing and pointing at him
Image of Pete wearing a wig and Thomas laughing and pointing at him.
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