Inspiring, nurturing and empowering young people with a vision impairment.

Worcester Community Lottery

Would you like the opportunity to win £25000 each week whilst supporting New College Worcester?

We are now part of Worcester Community Lottery.

Please click on the link to register. You can buy tickets and choose New College Worcester as your chosen charity – it really is simple! You can even set up a direct debit, so each week your numbers will be entered.

NCW will receive 50% of ticket sales from our supporters. 10% of ticket sales goes to local good causes. 

We also have a poster which you could share with family, friends or even display in shops or workplaces. 

Best of luck!

image of the Worcester Community Lottery logo

a poster promoting NCW and the lottery. There are images of lots of students. Text informing people about the college and a QR code for people to scan. .

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